CivTech is a Scottish Government programme that brings the public, private and third sectors together to build things that make people’s lives better
We take real problems faced by government departments, public sector organisations and charities, and invite anyone with a brilliant idea to work hand-in-hand with us to build the solution.
At the heart of the programme is our Innovation Flow, which centres around an intense 15-week Accelerator. Innovative and ambitious teams, selected through an open and straightforward process, are paid to build working prototypes — and receive world-class business growth support.
Take a look at some of the challenges and solutions we’ve worked on previously.
If you’re an innovator this is a unique opportunity to solve a real problem, win a customer and accelerate your business
If you’re an innovator, entrepreneur, team, start-up or established businesses, CivTech provides an unprecedented route to develop products the public sector needs.
The public sector is hungry for solutions, and with problems framed as open challenges the application process is easy and procurement streamlined. CivTech is a swift, secure and proven pathway for you to win public sector contracts, so you can solve a problem, make people’s lives better, gain a blue-chip client — and grow your business.
To be the first to find out when we announce our next set of Challenges, sign up to our mailing list.
If you’re a public sector organisation, identifying problems is easy but solving them can be incredibly difficult
How do you navigate procurement routes and the knowledge at your disposal to find the best solution? Indeed, how do you procure a solution you don’t know exists?
CivTech offers a great way to engage with tech and innovation possibilities in a collaborative and cost-effective environment. With the freedom to experiment safely, and speedily co-produce the solution your organisation needs. It’s the chance to solve a problem through innovation in a speedy, efficient and safe environment.